Sunday, October 31, 2010

Editorial: bullying and fighting in general

A lot is being said now about bullying.

In my high school days, the strongest did not bully. In fact they were the protectors of those who would be bullied by others. The bullies were the strong but not so strong. They were the back-ups on the sports teams. The strongest had nothing to prove. The back-ups seemed to have to prove themselves by preying on the non-athletes. But there was very little bulling in my day. Would be "punks" got a little bullying, but that was it. No one got bullied who didn't deserve it by his own actions.

Then attitudes changed and the intensive bullying began and even the girls bullied each other (and maybe more so than the boys).

Now kids will be kids and fighting off the bullies is part of growing up and learning to be stronger both mentally and physically, but now we have teen suicides at a much higher rate than ever before.

I am calling on the strong and tough to put an end to the bullying. Be the protectors of the weak and "different". Be the student police of your school and neighborhoods. Show the others that you are men and not punks. Real men don't bully, only punks need to do that! Real men protect the people who are unable to protect themselves. I have stopped many a fight in my time. Even fights between guys much bigger than I.

As for the on the field fighting and the subsequent disqualifications: Well, the rules have become stricter and you need to adapt. When you fight, you cost your team and yourself. Keep your cool and don't let others intimidate you into a fight. It is an old trick to try to get the best on the other team to fight and get kicked out of the game. Don't be a sucker. Learn to walk away and get ready for the next play.

1 comment:

Earl said...

I'm just a middle-aged father of two grown daughters. I wanted to express my appreciation for your message of standing up for kids who are bullied. Bullying is cowardly.

The physically weak may have strengths in other areas. One of the greatest heroes of World War II was a Swedish businessman named Raoul Wallenberg, who put his life on the line to save the lives of more than 10,000 Hungarian Jews. He was a man who had no interest in competitive team sports.

Again, thanks.