Sunday, December 03, 2006

Rankings: Gloucester County (Final) 12/03/06

Gloucester County rankings: I have seen all of these teams except for Township, and Gateway.

(#xx ) = Born Power index rankings - bogus (as proven in the Tri-County Rankings) but fun to compare.

I will add an analysis of each team's season soon.

1. West Deptford 11-1 (#1) - last undefeated team in county

2. Paulsboro 10-2 (#2) I move them uo a slot since they were the only county team to win a Group Championship and they did so by shutting out a team that no on else shutput and by the exact number of points that I predicted.

3. Clearview 9-1 (#7)

4. Deptford 8-2 (#5)

5. . Washington Township 6-4 (#4) - level of competiton is so much superior to rest of county, but I can't rank them higher with 4 losses.

6. Glassboro 9-3 (#8) - They drop one with the loss to Paulsboro

7. Williamstown 7-3 (#6)

8. Delsea 6-4 (#3) -how Born can rank them higher than teams that beat them is amazing, but when I tried to create my own index, it was just as corrupted.

9. Kingsway 5-5 (#11)

10. Gateway 6-4 (#9)

11. Woodbury 7-4 (#10)

12. Pitman 1-8 (#12)

13. Clayton 0-10 (#13)

Gloucester County vs. outside competition = 0-1 in Finals and 61-29 overall (67.78%) - which is actually disappointing. Only 1 Group championship this year.

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